Firearms Licensing
Dorset Police Logo Firearms Licensing Center
Please note that the Driver Awareness Scheme course for offences committed in Dorset are only held at venues in Dorset.You should only proceed if you wish to pay your fee for the 'Driver Awareness Scheme' offered to you in recent correspondence received from Dorset Police.To pay your fee you will need:. the 6 digit reference number as detailed on the correspondence received from Dorset Police. The format of your reference number will be the letters 'SB' followed by 6 digits. ' SB123456';. your debit or credit card details;No personal card details will be retained/stored by Dorset Police. Your personal information such as name, telephone number, email address etc will be held for 3 years before being removed from our systems automatically.The Dorset Police privacy notice can be found at the following web address. La sombra del viento.