How To Install Geo Mpeg4 Codec
.This package is for network administrators who want to deliver support for the latest Windows Media Audio and Video codecs for enterprise computers running Windows Media Player 7.1, Windows Media Player for Windows XP, Windows Media Player 9 Series, and Windows Media Player 10.Note: If you do not have Windows Media Player 9 Series or later installed and cannot play content by using the Windows Media Video 9 or Windows Media Audio 9 Voice codecs from a Player embedded in a Web page, consider downloading the codec installation package for Windows Media Player 6.4 as well.
How To Install Geo Mpeg4 Codec Software
Codec Install Procedure. Select and download codec version that matches the Multicam version in which the video was recorded with.(Find Multicam version on GV-DVR/NVR). Disable User Account Control on Windows 7. Extract the zip file onto desktop. Double-click to run GeoCodecReg.exe.Note: the codec installation process is almost instant. There will be no finish message. Play video file with Windows Media Player.Note: If you are still unable to view the video, play the video through Remote Viewlog instead.