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Open Regedit and navigate to the following key:HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Shell IconsBackup the key. More information.In the right-pane, create a new String value named '29'Double-click 29 and set its data to:C:WindowsSystem32shell32.dll,50 (an empty icon)Close Registry Editor.Now,Right-click Desktop, choose PropertiesClick the Appearance Tab.Click Advanced button.Choose Icon from the drop-down listSet it's size to 31 and press OK, OK.The changes will be applied now. Repeat the above steps and then set the Icon size back to 32(defaults). The above steps are required to force Windows to redraw the icons. I know this is a very simple thing but the problem, as like many other issues, is the ignorance about it.1.How often do you copy songs from a CD? Or some photos from a CD?What do you do? You select the required files and do a CTRL –C.2.Open the destination folder and do aCTRL-V.
Here is something you can benefit time from. You can play on your geek friend. To disable the display of local or networkeddrives when you click My Computer go to:HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer Now in theright pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives.
Now modify it's value and set it to3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) Now press F5 to refresh. When you click on My Computer, no drives will beshown. To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item. It's.reg file is asfollows: REGEDIT4HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplore r'NoDrives'=dword:03ffffff.
Many hacking attempts start with attempting to crack passwords. Passwords are the key pieceof information needed to access a system. Users, when creating password s, often selectpasswordsthat are prone to being cracked. Many reuse passwords or choose one that’s simple—suchas a pet’s name—to help them remember it.
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Because of this human factor, most passwordcrackingis successful; it can be the launching point for escalating privileges, executing applications,hiding files, and covering tracks. Passwords may be cracked manually or with automated toolssuch as a dictionary or brute- force method, each of which are covered later in this chapter.Manual password cracking involves attempting to log on with different passwords.
Thehacker follows these steps:1.Find a valid user account (such as Administrator or Guest).2.Create a list of possible passwords.3.Rank the passwords from high to low probability.4.Key in each password.5.Try again until a successful password is found.A hacker can also create a script file that tries each password in a list. This is still consideredmanual cracking, but it’s time consuming and not usually effective.Boring!! A more efficient way of cracking a password is to gain access to the passwordfile on a system.Most systemshash(one-way encrypt) a password for storage on a system. During thelogon process, the password entered by the user is hashed using the same algorithm and thencompared to the hashed passwords stored in the file. A hacker can attempt to gain access tothe hashing algorithm stored on the server instead of trying to guess or otherwise identify thepassword.
If the hacker is successful, they can decrypt the passwords stored on the server.Passwords are stored in the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) file on aWindows system and in a password shadow file on a Linux system.Unde rstanding the LanManager HashWindows 2000 uses NT Lan Manager (NTLM) hashing to secure passwords in transit on thenetwork. Depending on the password, NTLM hashing can be weak and easy to break.
Forexample, let’s say that the password is123456abcdef. When this password is encrypted withthe NTLM algorithm, it’s first converted to all uppercase:123456ABCDEF. The password ispadded with null (blank) characters to make it 14 characters long:123456ABCDEF. Beforethe password is encrypted, the 14-character string is split in half:123456A and BCDEF.Each string is individually encrypted, and the results are concatenated:123456A = 6BF11E04AFAB197FBCDEF = F1E9FFDCC75575B15The hash is6BF11E04AFAB197FF1E9FFDCC75575B15Hacking ToolsLegion automates the password guessing in NetBIOS sessions.
Legion scans multipleIP address ranges for Windows shares and also offers a manual dictionary attack tool.NTInfoScan is a security scanner for NT 4.0. This vulnerability scanner produces anHTMLbasedreport of security issues found on the target system and other information.L0phtCrack is a password auditing and recovery package distributed by @stake software,which is now owned by Symantec. It performs Server Message Block (SMB) packet captureson the local network segment and captures individual login sessions. L0phtCrack containsdictionary, brute-force, and hybrid attack capabilities.John the Ripper is a command- line tool designed to crack both Unix and NT passwords.
Thecracked passwords are case insensitive and may not represent the real mixed-case password.KerbCrack consists of two programs: kerbsniff and kerbcrack. The sniffer listens on the networkand captures Windows 2000/XP Kerberos logins. The cracker can be used to find thepasswords from the capture file using a brute force attack or a dictionary attack.Cracking Windows 2000 PasswordsThe SAM file in Windows contains the usernames and hashed passwords. It’s located in theWindowssystem32configdirectory.
The file is locked when the operating system is runningso a hacker can’t attempt to copy the file while the machine is booted to Windows.One option for copying the SAM file is to boot to an alternate operating system such asDOS or Linux with a boot CD. Alternately, the file can be copied from therepairdirectory.If a systems administrator uses the RDISK feature o f Windows to back up the system, then acompressed copy of the SAM file calledSAM.is created inC:windowsrepair. To expandthis file, use the following command at the command prompt:C:expand sam.
samAfter the file is uncompressed, a dictionary, hybrid, or brute- force attack can be run againstthe SAM file using a tool like L0phtCrack.Redirecting the SMB Logon to the AttackerAnother way to discover passwords on a network is to redirect the Server Message Block(SMB) logon to an attacker’s computer so that the passwords are sent to the hacker. In orderto do this, the hacker must sniff the NTLM responses from the authentication server and trickthe victim into attempting Windows authentication with the attacker’s computer. A commontechnique is to send the victim an e- mail message with an embedded hyperlink to a fraudulentHacking ToolsWin32CreateLocalAdminUser is a program that creates a new user with the username andpasswordXand adds the user to the local administrator’s group. This action is part of theMetasploit Project and can be launched with the Metasploit framework on Windows.Offline NT Password Resetter is a method of resetting the password to the administrator’saccount when the system isn’t booted to Windows. The most common method is to boot toa Linux boot CD and then access the NTFS partition, which is no longer protected, and changethe password.SMB server. When the hyperlink is clicked, the user unwittingly sends their credentials overthe network.SMB RedirectionSeveral automated hacking tools can implement SMB redirection:SMB Relay MITM Attacks and CountermeasuresAn SMB relay MITM attack is when the attacker sets up a fraudulent server with a relayaddress.
When a victim client connects to the fraudulent server, the MITM server interceptsthe call, hashes the password, and passes the connection to the victim server.Figure 4.1 illustrates an example of such an attack.Hacking ToolsSMBRelay is an SMB server that captures usernames and password hashes from incomingSMB traffic. SMBRelay can also perform man- in-the- middle attacks.SMBRelay2 is similar to SMBRelay but uses NetBIOS names instead of IP addresses tocapture usernames and passwords.pwdump2 is a program that extracts the password hashes from a SAM file on a Windows system.The extracted password hashes can then be run through L0phtCrack to break the passwords.Samdump is another program to extract NTLM hashed passwords from a SAM file.C2MYAZZ is a spyware program that makes Windows clients send their passwords as cleartext. It displays usernames and their passwords as users attach to server resources.SMB relay countermeasures include configuring Windows 2000 to use SMB signing, whichcauses it to cryptographically sign each block of SMB communications. The se settings arefound under Security Policies/Security Options.NetBIOS DoS AttacksA NetBIOS Denial of Service (DoS) attack sends a NetBIOS Name Release message to theNetBIOSName Service on a target Windows systems and forces the system to place its name in conflictso that the name can no longer be used.
This essentially blocks the client from participating intheNetBIOS network and creates a network DoS for that system.Password-Cracking CountermeasuresThe strongest passwords possible should be implemented to protect against password cracking.Systems should enforce 8–12 character alphanumeric passwords. The length of time the samepassword should be used is discussed in the next section.To protect against cracking of the hashing algorithm for passwords stored on the server,you must take care to physically isolate and protect the server. Here's an easier way to get to index.dat file as addresse in anothe r tweak submitted here.1. Click on Inte rnet Explorer2. Go to to your root dir (usually C:)3. Open Docume nts and Settings folder4. Open 'your username folder'5.
Open UserData6.close IE if you have it open.rename index.dat to index.oldlogoff and log back on (don't need to restart) open up IE and go to a web page or site thatalways seemed to load slowly. It should load a lot more quickly now. Alwaysrename or backup.dat or other system files before deleting.Disable Right Click!!HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions'NoBrowserContextMenu'=dword:00000001Enable Right Click!!HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions'NoBrowserContextMenu'=dword:00000000do u want to save entire Page For offline viweing??Saving Web Pages with Internet Explorer 6Occasionally, you may want to save an entire Web page on your compute r (text,hyperlinks, graphics, and all). To save the Web page that currently appears in InternetExplorer, choose File-Save As to open the Save Web Page dialog box shown in thefollowing figure. Select the folder in which you want the page saved and then click the Savebutton.After saving a Web page on your hard drive, you can open it in Internet Explorer and vie wthe contents even when you're not connected to the Internet. If your motive for saving theWeb page, however, is to be able to vie w the content when you're not connected to theInte rnet, you're better off saving the page as a Favorite marked for offline vie wing.
Thatway, you can decide whether you want to view othe r pages linked to the one you're savingand you can have Internet Explorer check the site for updated content.You can also e-mail a Web page or a link to the page to a colleague or friend. To send thecurrent Web page in a ne w e-mail message, click File-Send-Page by E-mail on theExplorer me nu bar and then fill out the new e-mail. To send a link to the page instead,click File-Send-Link by E-Mail. To create a desktop shortcut to the Web page, clickFile-Send-Shortcut to Desktop.
Evr wanted 2 dwnld d entire album of a person onfacebook, instead of dwnldin one pic @ a tim?Wel, den try 'photojacker' currently available @After Download It, You need to Restart your Browserand Login to your Facebook Account.3. Then go to Photos and Right Click on Photo Album.4. Then It Ask to Which Directory should Photo jackerSave This facebook Album to? Then select folderwhere you want to save the Photos.5. After it, it'll shows a Dialog box and type therewhich type of Your Picture (ex: Family,Frds,etc). However this is very known method of hacking windowsadmin password,but still many will be unaware from thisway.
So I'm posting here. Follow these simple steps:1) Go to C:/windows/system322) Copy cmd.exe and paste it on desktop.3) Rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe4) Copy the new sethc.exe to system32 folder, windowswill ask for overwriting the file,then click yes.Now press Shift key 5 times you will get cmd prompt.Now Log Off and at the login screen,press Shift key5 times. You will get cmd prompt there.Now type “net user administrator password” withoutquotes where “password”can be any password of yourdesire.Now enter password in administrator account.
'sigverif' - Used for File signature Verification'dxdiag' - DirectX trouble Shooter'secpol.msc' - Local Security Settings'verifier' - Driver verifier manager'compmgmt.msc' - computer management'devmgmt.msc' - device management'diskmgmt.msc' - disk management'gpedit.msc' - group policy editor, contains secret settings'dfrg.sc' - disk defragmenter'msconfig' - Microsoft configuration used for startup, services, boot loader manager.' Appwiz.cpl' - Add/Remove Pgms'Control userpasswords2' - Change password of any account, add or delete account.'