My Favourite Tv Program
Watching TV series is probably one of the things I like the most. For that reason,choosing my favorite serie, is a difficult thing to do.In my opinion, Friends is one of the best series i have ever seen, it has everything you can ask for: it's funny, with an intelligent humor and the whole family can watch it together. My own experience is that I used to watch it when i was a child, with my mother and brother. It's just a good way to spend time together.Others favorite series are The Big Bang Theory, How I met Your Mother (this one is very similar to Friends, but more actual), Pretty Little Liars, Suits. And a lot of series that I would recommend all of you!!Nuria Elso De Blas,1º Bachillerato A. Watching TV series is one of the things I use to do when I have free time. Actually, even though I have something to do, I try to find 30 minutes for relaxing and watching a TV show.
I have seen a lot of them, but if I have to choose one, it would be 'How I met your mother'.This show tell us the story of Ted Mosby and how he met his wife, but, it isn't a soap opera at all, it's a comedy. I can´t be more than five minutes watching it without laughing, because of the jokes, which are brilliant, and because of the hilarious stories Ted and his friends live.So, in conclusion, if you had a bad day, you should whatch HIMYM and forget all your problems!Pablo Moreno de Rosendo 1ºC. I did not use to watch tv series until i heard about Game of Thrones. The most of my friends had watched it so i decided to do the same. Right now i am in love with the serie and i am waiting for the next season.
I have laughed and wept with this serie and you are always surprised because you can not imagine what will happen. This a really famous fantasy drama tv serie and i am pretty sure that if you want you can watch it online or download it easily. I recommend you to watch it and hope you enjoy it.Sara Llorente Salgado 1C. In my family, this series is very dear to all of us.
We all have different tastes when it comes to TV shows, but Friends is the one show we all enjoy watching together.I practically grew up watching it, and nowadays, it is still my go-to series when I am feeling down. No matter what's wrong with me at that moment, watching a couple of episodes will always cheer me up.I can't count on how many occasions Friends has made me cry out of sadness, like when Phoebe said goodbye to her triplets, or when Monica proposed to Chandler. But of course, there were more happy tears than sad ones! Friends is a show which will make you laugh with every single episode. One of my favourite moments of the series is Phoebe's 'Smelly Cat' song.Overall, I think I made it pretty clear why Friends is my favourite TV series ever, and I hope after reading this someone who hasn't watched this wonderful series decides to check it out!!:)Claudia Aranguren Moliner 1º Bach A.
In my first lesson with my B2 Upper Intermediate group way back at the start of January, I found out that all of the students were fans of American TV series. We brainstormed the series they watched, and came up with about 30 different ones, everything from to (which I’d never heard of before).
Because of that, I decided to base my first week on giving opinions about TV shows. (It was possibly a little too easy at times, and I think it could work with a B1 Intermediate group)Well after my lessons, but before I finished writing this post, Scott Thornbury wrote about. VocabularyWe started with vocabulary, like so:. Tell each other about your favourite TV show, and say why you like it. While they were doing this, I monitored and noted examples of missing vocabulary and language would could be improved later in the week. On the board, write as many words as you can think of connected to TV shows. Fill in as many words as you can on this sheet:.
Look at the wordcloud and match any missing words:. The teacher check the meanings and definitions with students. They drill any necessary pronunciation. Students test each other by saying the definition, and the others in their group remember the word. You can give students the link to the on to practise the words at home.My favourite TV seriesI then introduced the class to one of my favourite series, and one I was fairly sure they wouldn’t know, namely, through this very entertaining video by:They had to listen to the video twice and answer the questions on the first sheet, then listen again and correct the mistakes in the transcript. It bears repeated listening because Charlie speaks very quickly – be prepared for a look of shock the first time they hear him!
The corrected version of the transcript is in the second slideshare document below. To download them, click on ‘view on slideshare’.
You need to join to download, but it’s free.Other people’s favouritesIn the next lesson, we started off by revising the vocabulary with a board race. The aim for this lesson was for students to learn some useful phrases to talk about their favourite TV shows. We started by listening to Adam, with three questions:. What’s the show?. Why do they like it?. Do they give you any extra information about it?Adam – The Walking DeadHere are the phrases I pulled out of Adam’s text:. The first thing you think about when I say.
The main purpose of the show is. There are deeper things than this in the show. That’s why I like it. The show really looks at the human condition. It looks atwhat happens when. He was in one of my favourite shows.I then divided the class into two groups (there was an empty classroom next door).
One group had my iPad, and the other my phone (I trust them!). Each group listened to three of the other recordings – Vicky/Deniz/Matt or Rachel/Sian/Lea.
My Favourite Tv Program Essay In English
They had the same questions as above, plus the additional job of choosing any useful phrases they could steal.Once they’d listened to their three texts, they told the other group about what they’d heard.They then talked about their own favourite TV shows, trying to use some of the phrases. Tag Cloud.