Otsturntables Bedroom Silver Or Pro
Ots Turntables Free
What is OtsTurntables?OtsTurntables Free is a 100% FREE (no spyware, no banner ads), virtual set of professional mixing turntables empowering music lovers, aspiring DJs and pros to scratch, adjust tempo and pitch, play backwards, and mix MP3s, WAVs, Ots files and CDs. DJ your next party like a pro, or just enjoy listening to your MP3s mixed professionally at home with Auto DJ. You'll love the optional warm vinyl-crackle ambience, and the built-in Dynamics Processor will save you juggling that volume knob ever again.You can also upgrade to the Pro edition allowing you to record your mixes, cue in your headphones, webcast to the world, and enjoy psychedelic visualisations.Follow OtsTurntables on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. TheOtsTurntables.comwebsite is operated by Ots7 Inc, a Delaware corporation, under license by Ots Corporation Ltd, company no. 6659447, an England & Wales company.The vendor of products offered for sale on this site is Ots7 Ltd, company no. 9732721, an England & Wales company, VAT registration no. 235177802.Registered offices:Ots Corporation Ltd, Suite 48, 88-90 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8PN, United KingdomOts7 Ltd, 5 Harbour Exchange Square, 2nd Floor, London, E14 9GE, United KingdomOts7 Inc, 1201 Orange Street, Suite 600, Wilmington DE 19801, United States.