Driver Modem Pantech Mobi

I have been using a Pantech UML290 for the past 2+ years without any issues on my desktop computer (no wifi capabilities) and previously on my husband's older laptop computer. My desktop has Windows 10 updating a few months ago from Windows 7. I've never had any issues using the Pantech UML290 and have loved this little device until today! My husband gave me a new laptop for Christmas. My new laptop has wifi connectivity and had Windows 10 installed 'out of the box.' I cannot get my new laptop to connect via the Pantech.
I've installed, uninstalled, reinstalled, uninstalled and reinstalled the VZAccess Manager. The laptop connects without any issues to wifi networks. I've tried the Verizon Windows 10 'work around' (but my VZAccess Manager does not have the same options as shown in the work around. I also don't find a modem installed in the device manager. I'm beyond frustrated with this.I'm attaching two screen shots that will hopefully help diagnose why I cannot connect via the Pantech.Thanks in advance for any assistance with this matter. Thanks for your response. I couldn't find a Windows 10 driver for 2539B84.
Best hex editors for windows. I've posted this question on the Lenovo forum here and I'm hoping someone will respond soon.What does anyone know about the Verizon MiFi 4G LTE Global USB Modem U620L? Would this modem work with my laptop, the Lenovo G50-45 without the issues I'm having with the UML290? I HATE having to potentially buy a different modem but I need a modem that works especially since my old HP desktop is getting more difficult to use every day and I want to switch to my Lenovo full time.Thanks again! I have a Dell XPS 13 that came with Windows 8.1. The Pantech UML290 worked perfectly with it.
Then I upgraded to Windows 10. And even though I followed the VZAM workaround mentioned in this thread and set the 'Device Operating Mode' to 'Lan Adapter' (instead of 'Windows Mobile Broadband'), the UML290 would not work correctly. Specifically, when I hit 'Connect WWAN', I get this error message:'There has been a WWAN Device Failure.
Verizon Pantech Uml295
Error WMC103'I spent 3.5 hours with Dell technical support and with Verizon technical support, including supervisory support. I uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version of VZManager (for Win 8.1 - there is no Win 10 driver or version), and I even installed the version for Windows Vista,7 and 8. I uninstalled the drivers and generally ran down every available rabbit trail, all to no avail. I also tested the UML290 on my Windows 7 machine to make sure there was no problem with the UML290, and it worked perfectly.Both Verizon and Dell concluded that the only 'potential' solution is to reset Windows 10, which would require me to reinstall all of my software and back up and then reinstall all of my data, a step that I am not willing to put myself through, especially given that it is not a sure fix.Perhaps this is Verizon and Pantech's way to force obsolescence and generate more sales.