Actualizacion Del Programa Pack Mcboot Installer V2 Supporter
What is FMCB?Free Memory Card Boot (FMCB) is a piece of homebrew software, which is designed to setup your PlayStation 2 console and provides you with means of launching homebrew software, without the need for any extra hardware, modifications to your console or dangerous tricks like the legendary swap trick.FMCB was originally developed by Neme and Jimmikaelkael, but they have been kind enough to provide me with access to its source code, for me to make some improvements to it.FMCB is installed onto your memory card. While clone/compatible memory cards may work, they are copies of a proprietary memory card, which often means that they aren't perfectly compatible. Please use clones/compatibles at your own risk.FMCB will not allow you to boot games that you cannot already play. This means no playing of burned and imported discs.What is FHDB?Free Harddisk Drive Boot (FHDB) is basically FMCB that gets installed onto the PlayStation 2 console's HDD unit. It does everything like FMCB does, but is meant to be used with the Sony HDDOSD (Browser update v2.00).Patched/modified copies of the HDDOSD may not work, although non-Sony disks are supported by FHDB itself.Whether the hacked HDD OSD supports non-Sony disks or not depends on whether it was modified to support non-Sony disks.Modifying or getting a pre-modified copy of the HDDOSD is not under this project, which is why that topic will not be discussed here.Like with FMCB, FHDB will not allow you to boot games that you cannot already play.
This means no playing of burned and imported discs.What does FMCB v1.9 offer?For mere humans:. Smaller, faster and more stable. The HDD unit is now supported.
The 'Early Japanese'/PCMCIA units (SCPH-10000, SCPH-15000 and SCPH-18000) are fully supported. Includes kernel update (ExecPS2 fix) for the SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000.
Chinese consoles are now supported (e.g. MethodDescriptionNormalInstalls FMCB for only the host PS2 itself. FMCB will work on similar models.Cross-modelInstalls FMCB for only the host PS2's region. FMCB will work on all models within the same region as the host PS2's.Cross-regionInstalls FMCB for all possible PS2s, across all regions. This offers the highest possible level of model support.MultiSame as cross-region, but does not actually install copies of the file. Other than the system patches for the early Japanese consoles, the main FMCB KELF is only installed once and then crosslinked across the various B.EXEC-SYSTEM directories.
This would result in the smallest installation footprint, along with the highest possible level of support. The system executable and data folders differ according to the region. Nimeni altu inger si demon zippy lyrics. FMCB v1.953 released!Changelog for the installer v0.973:.
Actualizacion Del Programa Pack Mcboot Installer V2 Supporter 2
Updated to contain the fixed USBHDFSD module. Updated to contain the updated HDD modules (. I just wanted to say a huge thankyou to you sp193 for all your work in maintaining/improving FMCB/HDLGameInstaller and other tools.I only got my first PS2 last week (I'm a little late to the party) and was pleasantly surprised to find that not only are there still guides on using these tools, but they've actually recieved updates this year.After receiving a FMCB card from a friend yesterday I was able to pretty easily work out how to create another as a backup, configure the menu items etc. FMCB v1.96 Released!Changelog for v1.96. Updated USBHDFSD, for better USB device performance. Updated HDD modules. Updated to build with the latest PS2SDK, for reliability.
Corrected logic error in history-updating code. Replaced DVD player booting code, to give the Sony-like behaviour. For compatibility with all DVD players and projects.Changelog for the installer v0.981.
UI rework. Updated USBHDFSD module for performance. Updated translation template.Note: there were a lot of changes made, code-wise. Some changes were even lost in time.Downloads/LinksFMCB project page (downloads at bottom). Click to expand.I've spent a considerable amount of time on reworking the UI, to find the best way to work with the variable-width font. Unfortunately, this was the best solution I could come up with, to allow for okay bootup times and for a variable-width font to be used.Originally, it used to scan for and wrap long lines at boot. But using FreeType to measure the width of any text is just so slow, that it took a whole minute for the installer to start up.So now I do the wrapping when the line is used the first time.
Hence when you move the cursor around, the UI will become more responsive. Click to expand.Are you sure?I'm asking because, when I change (in: Configure OSDSYS options.Configure Scrolling Options)from:to:I have 'normal' markers:I just only delete 6/5 and enter 9/8 in FHDB config.Then save CNF to hdd0.EDIT: I've uploaded almost default config for FHDB 1.96.I've only changed the markersand Go to Browser: Force OFF.I also notice that in new wLe coping files from PS2HDD to mass don't work.I'm getting pastie failed.With version from coping seems to work fine. Click to expand.Really? Wow.Nothing got changed though.

But it's not really surprising, I guess. LaunchELF has bad code. USBHDFSD also has bad code. Just touching anything or if the planets aren't aligned, will cause the unhelpful error to appear.If USBHDFSD has a problem with writing files, then it should always fail.
If PFS and/or APA had issues, then we should have more visible problems.But no, we get this after putting it all together.PFS itself might have problems, as you have noticed from HDDChecker. Sometimes, I seem to get corruption (LaunchELF reports paste failed), but I cannot tell why it happens.Just today, I've found another bug with it, since our version was based on the HDD Utility disc's version - so our homebrew module sets UID and GID to 0, but software may ignore files that do not have GID and UID set to 0xFFFF.USBHDFSD itself might have problems that were never found too. We all know that somehow, corruption happens. I've spent a considerable amount of time on reworking the UI, to find the best way to work with the variable-width font. Unfortunately, this was the best solution I could come up with, to allow for okay bootup times and for a variable-width font to be used.Originally, it used to scan for and wrap long lines at boot. But using FreeType to measure the width of any text is just so slow, that it took a whole minute for the installer to start up.So now I do the wrapping when the line is used the first time.
Hence when you move the cursor around, the UI will become more responsive. Actually, HDLGameInstaller's GUI is a custom version of the system from the 3 other (newer) projects. It's a custom version because it is the only one of my projects left that still uses gsKit and has far more complicated needs (e.g. Soft keyboard, scrollable game list, device list, 3D icon rendering).A lot of time was spent replacing HDLGameInstaller's 6-year old UI code.
So it wasn't cheap (time-wise) to make either. I had most trouble getting the variable-width (non monospace) fonts to draw nicely in the game list and the soft keyboard.While the new GUI design came from HDDChecker, the new font-drawing code started with HDLGameInstaller. So I made HDLGameInstaller use the new UI, before changing the font-drawing code. And then after all that, I back-ported the code to the 3 other projects.The slow part is the measurement and auto-wrapping of messages.
So if the tool does not have many lines, it would be 'fast'.This feature was added to HDLGameInstaller v0.816. It's probably not a big deal, but sometimes to turn off my PS2 in FHDB Browser I used app 'packedpoweroff.elf'.This app seems to be also included in previous FMCB noobie packages.With FHDB 1.96, after I run this app through FHDB menu I'm getting stuck at black screen.With previous FHDB versions, PS2 turns off normally.I even tried to run it through wLe (couple versions) and it worked as it should turning off my PS2.So maybe now Updated HDD modules will not work with some old homebrew?I'm attaching 'packedpoweroff.elf' with source code taken from here:(web archive, post #6),(original thread).
Beware - USB support may be severely buggedThis does not only affect FMCB, it affects the new copies of any software that writes. Maybe reading as well, but so far I've not seen it give problems while reading.What happened today was that I tried to add a logging feature to HDDChecker, but it would always corrupt my USB disk. Very badly.It should be a problem with USBHDFSD. I then tried to revert the likely culprits, 7f21832, 6f940a2 and d4c0411, but the corruption still occurred after the next run of HDDChecker.Worse still, it seems like HDDChecker has font-drawing problems.
So I don't know, maybe Git could not even revert those commits cleanly or the bug is actually elsewhere.This is giving me a headache and I really have no wish to waste anymore time on these projects. I am prepared to write off all the time I spent on that day, for USB support.So if anybody else mentions issues with the USB modules destroying their data, I shall do a mass-revert and re-release all software that I have released over the past 3 days.I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.
FMCB v1.96 Re-released!Changelog for FMCB/FHDBChangelog for v1.96:. Updated USBHDFSD, for better USB device performance. Updated HDD modules. Updated to build with the latest PS2SDK, for reliability. Corrected logic error in history-updating code. Replaced DVD player booting code, to give the Sony-like behaviour.
For compatibility with all DVD players and projects. NEW! - Re-released with the corrected USBHDFSD and PFS modules.Changelog for the installerChangelog for v0.981:. UI rework. Updated USBHDFSD module for performance.
Updated translation template. NEW! - re-released with the corrected USBHDFSD and PFS modules. NEW!
- Updated FSCK to v0.96.Note: LaunchELF has been updated to use the corrected USBHDFSD and PFS modules as well.USBHDFSD had issues with writing correctly. Since external homebrew software may use the USBHDFSD module that FMCB/FHDB provides, I have made a new package.LaunchELF also has its own copies of USBHDFSD and PFS, which have been updated as well.Downloads/LinksFMCBInstaller + FMCB + FHDB project page (downloads at bottom).