Ragnarok Bot Program S
Issues With In-Game Text? Omit or add 1 of 3 below:- charBlockSize 106- charBlockSize 108- charBlockSize 112##To Bookmark##These are a handful of websites you should bookmark if you want this guide to help you at all.-##Knowing the Game##As you will learn its hard to start a new character since you lack the resources (such as no zeny or no friends), so its best to start with an easy character such as a mage or an agility type character. These characters require the least amount of resources. Although they may not be your favorite character, they will make it easier for you to obtain the zeny and equipments you require to support your other characters.My favorite character has been and always will be the Rogue. It is also the most suspected of being a bot so requires extra diligence such as using Macros. They have the ability to steal extra loot from monsters which also means extra zeny. Another character you might want to look into is a Mage, as they are one of the fastest levelers early in the game (with no equips) and can be used to leech other characters.
However, they are the hardest to configure for new botters as more settings have to be looked at. The fastest transcending character would have to be the Hunter, but requires some resources early in the game.These are some basic information you need to know so you can plan out how you are going to bot. If I want a Soul Linker Slave, most of the time I would use a Mage to bot and have the Soul Linker leech off the exp. However, given enough resources its preferable to use a Hunter because they have access to more monsters, easy to bot and are fast levelers.Ex. A few ideas on levelingFirebolt Mage: Mandragoras Andre Metaling Porcellios Geographer Job ChangeArcher: Mandragoras Rocker Poporing Greatest Generals Geographer Job ChangeFigure 2. There may be times where you may not bot, and play manually. As a swordsman, playing manually to reach job 40 may be preferable since its faster and you'll be able to bot as a much stronger class (Crusader or Knight).##Setting Up Your Bot##A bot basically repeats certain tasks you tell it to do and it loops.
So if you can't do it yourself in-game, your bot won't be able to do it either.You need to have creativity! Off the top of my head when I start a character the first thing I do is figure out what kind of character I want, and what items I'm looking for.
This is where the guides help to create a good character, and the easier it is to play the more efficient it becomes as a bot. Also scope out kafras in each town and see what players hang there because if your going to setup your bot its going to see those people a lot.Figure 3. An example of how to get the required NPC locations in-game. The other method would be to start your bot up and type in nl to have openkore tell you instead. Here the NPC location is 102, 149.Don't read the entire Manual! Read what you need first (usually Config.txt), the rest you will want to look it up later. This way you are not overwhelmed with information you do not need to know right away.
The most important is config, itemscontrol, moncontrol, and pickupitems. Read everything you can about them and you should be fine. Asking any config questions in this forum will get you NO answers.itemscontrol.txt You know how you need lots of ingredients to create hats, or finish quests?
This file will help you organize what to keep and what to throw away.moncontrol.txt This will tell your bot whether to teleport away from a monster, ignore it, or kill itpriority.txt This is also useful as it will tell your bot which monster to attack firstpickupitems.txt This is quite obvious what it does, but if you play on a server that has @autoloot you will want to pay more attention to this file. Last thing you want to get caught for is picking up loots when an @autoloot command is available.##Common Mistakes##Chatresp.txt/Responses.txt I would suggest not to use this, as there are better alternatives such as the Kadiliman plugin or custom responses made from macros. I prefer macros because it allows the bot to perform more complex responses.Avoid.txt Do not use avoid.txt. I noticed a lot of players use this on officials, but if your on a private server this is a bad solution to avoid getting caught. Teleporting at the sight of Game Masters or other players is a Red Flag that you are a bot and in most cases you will be caught.
I strongly suggest using macros instead, at least then you can do a reply before logging off or teleporting away.Timeouts.txt Make sure your timing looks natural and normal. You do not want people to see you doing actions at lightning speed.Bot Party The most obvious and hated. Try avoid forming bot parties as this draws attention to yourself as a bot. This is also a reason why most servers ban multi-clienting. Even if you were to hex the client, they log the ip address so it is not worth the trouble hexing.
If your new to botting, I suggest stay away from doing this until you are more experienced with Openkore. The last thing you want is the Game Masters to test you to see whether you are two people on the same IP or one really stupid player. You cannot argue how you are able to cast skills on separate characters the same time consistently by yourself without a thorough knowledge of botting. If there were two players, the priest would not be auto-following the main player all the time and repeating skills. It could be one player duel clienting, but he cannot cast skills on both characters at the same time!)Bot Health When your bot dies it will respawn in town or sit until its health reaches 100%. This is the default setting and I know many people don't pay attention to this at all.
Once a priest player heals you, the bot will instantly stand up saying nothing and continue botting. This is a dead giveaway that you are a bot. This is why it is also important to look at the autoMoveOnDeath option in the config.txt file.
AutoMoveOnDeath 0. Console /^console is casting Finger Offensive on you (time (d+)ms)/##Countermeasures: Plugins##There are many other plugins besides macros that you can use for your bots. I don't have time to explain everything so I will just post plugins I recommend with a brief explanation on their use.playerRecord.pl Attached BelowThis plugin records the players that your bot sees, and this one will tell you the time, field name, player name, job, level, sex, and their affiliated guild. It is very helpful if you want to find out who saw your bot, and prepare you to modify the avoidlist.txt or create your own macros.alertsound.pl Attached BelowPlease thank Mushroom our forum moderator for reviving this macro. I added a few things I liked to have in the plugin like guild chat, player, system chat, and server disconnections. Also I added in alert 1 to enable and alert 0 to disable to make it easier to disable it and not add pound signs.A helpful feature I also included was for party bots.
Change the PLAYERNAME in the plugin to the name you want your bot to ignore so it doesn't alert you.I'll also upload a few of my own favorite wav files, if you guys want to share your own please post it below. Maybe there are some funny ones you would want to share.- My Wav Files##IP Address Tutorial##Alright class, work, gf, and family (I have a life too) are keeping me busy so I'm going straight for the good stuff - IP Address guide.This is from what I know and have used, but I know there are better alternatives out there so use this at your own risk as the results won't be the same for you. I'm going to start with resetting your IP address, which I know only for Linksys router users because I have tried this and it works (worked for my co-worker also). I'm currently using a NetGear router at my gf's house, but haven't had the time to figure NetGear out yet.Resetting IP Address (Linksys)First Step.
You will want to login into your router settings which can be accessed from a web browser. Doesn't matter which browser you use. The default page should be for linksys, so type that in your address box. This should popup a login box. By default it should be at Factory Settings unless it has been changed, therefore the user name should be blank (or admin) and the password should be admin.Figure 1.
Linksys Router Main PageSecond Step. This should gain you access to your router settings with various tabs. Now look for the LAN MAC address and it should have an address like, 00-90-4B-60-78-6A. Copy that address. If your on wireless, you will want the LAN Mac address. Now go to the tab that says Mac Clone which should be blank and paste the address you copied there.Figure 2.
Linksys Router MAC Address Clone TabFinal Step. Now change the last two box to any digit of the hexadecimal system (1-F). Apply and save the settings and shut down your computer.
Now unplug your modem and router for a minimum of 10 seconds, but to be sure make it 30 seconds (I hope you wash your hands longer than this). After the time has passed, plug everything back in and start your computer. Check this website to verify whether or not your IP address has changed. This method has never failed me, but there is always a first for other people.Figure 3.
Linksys Router MAC Address Clone TabThis may or may not be useful for many of you, but those who been IP banned might find this of some use and does not necessarily have to be Ragnarok. I did not learn this from a guide, but through trials and personal experience.
However, to my surprise I see many similar tutorials like this on the web (that's how I got the pictures).Proxy BottingProxy Bot. I know a lot of people ask about having bots having their own individual IP addresses.
There are other ways of doing it, but this is how I do it for my bots. Its like having multiple personalities, chat on forums or play the game with someone's IP address. It works like this: You connect to an anonymous proxy address and through that you connect to your bots or any application like your browser.
Openkore Ragnarok Mobile
What they should see is the proxy address, but not your IP address.Issues. Too good to be true? There is a huge downside to it especially if you want to do it for free.
For example, the program I use is ProxyCap and its not free. Although you can try their program for 30 days and see if it benefits you.
Ragnarok Bot Programs For Windows 10
That isn't even the downside, the real problem is finding IP Addresses you can use called Socks V4/V5 and they have to be anonymous for our purposes. If you have money, you can sign up with websites that offer different proxy addresses.Lets do this! If you finally decide to use this method, bookmark this address to verify address.The problem with free proxy addresses is since you are connecting to another place they can be practically anywhere in the world. You'll be lucky to find one that is nearby you and has a fast connection.
So its a good idea to test them with your browser.Figure 1. Plug in the IP Address and Port informationIts good to have multiple addresses and plug them in the program. You should be able to obtain information such as the IP, the port number and whether or not it is Socks v4 or v5 as shown in Figure 1. In Figure 2 below, I am playing in the game while another bot is running on a different IP.Figure 2. Setting up Proxy Tunneling RulesThe next step is setting the tunneling rules. Set it to tunnel through proxy, and you can have multiple rules so you can specify which programs to run with it. What I do is change the name of the OpenKore's start.exe to CharacterNamestart.exe so it is easier for me to set proxy addresses to each bot.
It is also important to remember that your IP address is logged when you register an account, post on forums, and play in the game. Therefore, it is best to take note where your proxy address is being used.A helpful feature of this program is being able to disable tunnel rules by a click of a mouse in the box I pointed out in figure 2 above. Did you guys try not including the Charblocksize?Not every server requires it, and if you have the 3rd classes then most likely you need the kRO servertype, since your probablyusing renewal client.Hopefully that will fix your problem. I can't do anything more for you since:1. I don't know what server this is on.2. I don't know what connection information your using.3. I just don't know wtf your looking at.I answered the best I could with the information you provided.Please use edit buttonIf your not getting the right answers, its because your questions aren't good enough.Last edited by on 20 Jan 2010, 23:55, edited 2 times in total.