How To Install Nr2003 No Cd Patch
Dave-08-17 4 pointsIf you look in the right places, there are more solid copies of NR2003 that can be downloaded and used, seems MyAbandonware's version has flaws. I do not use this copy of the game and got mine elsewhere, however, I will give you instructions that should allow to play the game.If you're using an iso, just get WinCDEmu, a very simple not shady program that makes virtual iso drives, works like a charm. After mounting, run the installer, or if you really want to, run autorun and then open the installer for that burst of nostalgia when it comes to getting a new game from the 2000s.Run the installer like normal, when you get to the much needed key, there is a universal one that is in all copies.RAB2-RAB2-RAB2-RAB2-8869Continue through installation like normal, now, when you get the game, don't run it yet, you need the nocd patch. Grab the nocd exe file and drop it into the nr2003 folder, allow it it overwrite, or you could keep the cd exe for whatever reason.
Also install both patches, the and its fix.There are one or two final hoop(s) you must go through to start the game. Depending on the OS, you must go over to compatibility settings and set it to Windows XP, on modern systems, the game will shut down right after the cut scenes.

If you're still having issues, you may have to disable Data Execution Prevention, also known as DEP, which may require you to enter the BIOS and turn it off.Bing bang boom, NR2003 is now modable and for your gaming pleasure. Dave-06-01 2 pointsThis game was Papyrus' swan song to NASCAR after EA Sports got the exclusive rights to the sport. In retaliation, Papyrus released the popular patch that allowed you to mod the game as you please. Since then, NR2003 is still used widely to this day and is figured more of a free version of iRacing since the source code is the core of it.
The modding community, while somewhat infamous, is what keeps this game alive. EA would throw away their license after 2009, 6 years later after releasing more and more disappointing releases since NASCAR Thunder 2004.For any racing fan, and any guy who likes making art and tinkering around with game code, this is the game for you, this game is bar none compared to the rest.
How To Install Nr2003 No Cd Patch
Have fun with this game, I enjoy it immensely.