Install The Pure Ftpd Package Tour
Puppet pureftpd ModuleTable of Contents. Setting Configuration Options(#setting-configuration options).OverviewManages the pure-ftpd package with comprehensive configuration support DescriptionThis is a puppet module for installation and configuration of thesoftware package. Itaims to support all valid configuration file values.
ForkedThis module started out as a fork ofbuthas been so heavily redesigned over time that it's probably not reasonable toblame any of the design or implementation on. It would also be exceptionallydifficult to re-unify the two modules due to fundamental API differences.The original module was marked as being licensed under GPLv3 in comments andno LICENSE file was present. Very little to none of the original module coderemains in the present version of this module. All contributions by Joshua Hoblitt are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0. You should consultwith a lawyer for a legal opinion as to weather or not this module constitutesa derived work. UsageIn general, any valid pure-ftpd configuration file option (including theseparate configuration files for auth modules) can be set by creating a key inthe appropriate class parameter hash but with the name of the optiontransliterated to lowercase.
Pure Ftpd Tutorial
The values passed to that option are handledcompletely as raw strings but this module. Ohio university softball head coach. No effort is made to handleboolean or integer values as pure-ftpd itself is not consistent in how ithandles these values.For example, if you wanted to create the configuration option example below inthe file /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf: ChrootEveryone yesYou would declare it like this to the pureftpd module.