Program To Create Frame In Java
Insert query in java. So let’s begin our Jframe Java tutorial, JFrame Java Tutorial What is JFrame?. It is an extended version of Java.awt.Frame that adds support for the JFC/Swing architecture.
JFrame is the core class of javax.swing package and is used to develop GUI (graphical user interface ) in which various visual objects like Text Field,Radio Button,scroll Bar,check Box etc are embedded. This GUI is called window pane. JFrame is actually a window with a title Bar,Border, a resizable Border, menu Bar,Buttons that close or iconify the window and a content pane that acts as a container. JFrame contains a JRootpane,which is where all of the compnents are added,and this JRootpane is shared among all container objects. When components are added to a JFrame,they are actually added to the content pane(JRootpane).
The JFrame is typically the outermost container used in GUI applications.So this was all about JFrame in Java and now we are going to create our first window using JFrame in Java. Creating First Window Using JFrame Steps For Creating The First Window. Import javax.swing.JFrame package or you can also use javax.swing. package. This package will make available JFrame class. Make a class and give a name to it. Write main method and inside main method create an object of the JFrame class. Now save the program,compile it and run it.
The most interesting thing about this program is that although you have successfully compile and run the program nothing shows up. It is just because the Frame is invisible.To make it visible we have to call the setVisible method of the JFrame class using the object of the JFrame class.setVisible method. This method is used to control whether a component is displayed on the screen. it takes Boolean value as an argument.
Program To Create Frame In Java Free
setVisible(false) –“it hides the component by making it invisible “. setVisible(true) –“it reveals the component by making it visible “. JFrame Java Tutorial- fig-3.
As we can see the output of the above program in above image in which the location of the window has been changed in x-axis and y-axis.Setting the Size and Location of The Window Simultaneously setBounds method. This method is is used to set the size and position(Location) of the window simultaneously. It takes four integer type arguments in which first two arguments specifies the postion of the window in x-axis and y-axis,and last two arguments specifies the size of the window in width and height. Example – setBounds(200,200,100,200).
In this tutorial we will learn to create multiple frames in. Here we will be creating two classes for example OldWindow and NewWindow class respectively.