Rarlab Rar Wrar351 Sc
The 2004 drawing file format is much more compressed than the 2000 format,so there is less to squeeze out when you zip them.If you don't need to send all the layouts, copy the file, delete theunneeded layouts, delete the layer filters, and then purge again a couple oftimes to be sure the get all of the nested items. Also investigate thoseitems on the list of things that can't be purged. You may only need to makea minor change to get rid of them too.Bradwrote in message news:5577477@discussion.autodesk.com.I frequently send AutoCAD files via e-mail to clients. I use e-transmit,and zip to usually one compressed folder, so as to avoid 'repeats' of xrefs.Since we recently started saving as v2004, I noticed the dwg files do notcompress nearly as much as they did when saved as v2000.Also, e-transmit reduces files size, beyond what I can do with the purgecommand (which is my favorite.)Are these two things related? I'm always in pursuit of reducing file size.I'd appreciate your thoughts.Thanks. Keep in mind it is always a good idea to package everything in a compressed file.
I have never been a fan of winzip.You can get a free copy of winrar here:key for it here:beauty of packaging your files is that you can put in a recovery record and if there is any data corruption in transport, email. Ftp, http, whatever, the file will not extract. This way the end user knows to re-download it or have you provide a new package.Winrar allows you to choose the compression level. You can choose the store option, which will not attempt to compress what you have. This save valuable time when you are packaging large files that are already compressed, such as 2004+ large dwg's, video, and audio files.Additionally, you can also spit the archive into specified chunk sizes.
This way they all fit on CD's, floppies, are below the limit for an email, etc.Even more, you can add password protection, deal with zips. Tars, cabs and many other formats. Winrar will compress to zip or rar. The files made can be what they call sfx archives, where the first file created if more then one, or the only file created if one, has an exe extension and is self extracting without additional software. DaveWish wrote: Keep in mind it is always a good idea to package everything in a compressed file.
I have never been a fan of winzip.huh? I've used WinZip since '89 or so. I bought my original program for,IIRC, $19 (I think it's now $49.95 for the Pro version). I've never hadto pay for it again in all of these years, just use my original licensenumber for upgrades (now on v11.1) You can get a free copy of winrar here: Free key for it here: The beauty of packaging your files is that you can put in a recovery record and if there is any data corruption in transport, email. Ftp, http, whatever, the file will not extract. This way the end user knows to re-download it or have you provide a new package.I've never had to have any 'recovery method' with WinZip, after zippingmaybe 20,000+ large important project files over the years.
I can go tomy archive and UnZip a file from '90 right now with no problem. Winrar allows you to choose the compression level. You can choose the store option, which will not attempt to compress what you have. This save valuable time when you are packaging large files that are already compressed, such as 2004+ large dwg's, video, and audio files.I'm not familiar with Winrar, but how much 'valuable time does it taketo zip a 1GB file, whether previously compressed or not? Not very longunless your box is '95 mode Additionally, you can also spit the archive into specified chunk sizes. This way they all fit on CD's, floppies, are below the limit for an email, etc.can also be done easily with WinZip Even more, you can add password protection, deal with zips. Tars, cabs and many other formats.
Winrar will compress to zip or rar. The files made can be what they call sfx archives, where the first file created if more then one, or the only file created if one, has an exe extension and is self extracting without additional software.can also be done easily with WinZipI don't know what your problem with WinZip is but you are certainlyentitled to your opinion.DaveDDPnot affiliated with WinZip. Hi,As far as I can see the only advantages of RAR files over ZIP files is thatthey tend to be smaller and also tend to be less likely to be rejected bysecurity systems designed to look inside ZIP files.The major disadvantage of these files is lack of general communityexpectation of them as a compressed file.As WinRAR is Shareware, it would seem likely that the advertised atsimtel.net free key for the product is an invitation to piracy.A freeware solution with feet in both the ZIP and RAR camps is 7-Zip. Ionly installed it recently and have no given it extensive use as yet, but itcertainly had no troubles dealing with some RAR files I received.-Laurie ComerfordCADAppswww.cadapps.com.auwww.civil3Dtools.com'ddpcad' wrote in messagenews:5578069@discussion.autodesk.com.DaveWish wrote: Keep in mind it is always a good idea to package everything in a compressed file.
I have never been a fan of winzip.huh? I've used WinZip since '89 or so. I bought my original program for,IIRC, $19 (I think it's now $49.95 for the Pro version). I've never hadto pay for it again in all of these years, just use my original licensenumber for upgrades (now on v11.1) You can get a free copy of winrar here: Free key for it here: The beauty of packaging your files is that you can put in a recovery record and if there is any data corruption in transport, email. Ftp, http, whatever, the file will not extract.
This way the end user knows to re-download it or have you provide a new package.I've never had to have any 'recovery method' with WinZip, after zippingmaybe 20,000+ large important project files over the years. I can go tomy archive and UnZip a file from '90 right now with no problem. Winrar allows you to choose the compression level. You can choose the store option, which will not attempt to compress what you have. This save valuable time when you are packaging large files that are already compressed, such as 2004+ large dwg's, video, and audio files.I'm not familiar with Winrar, but how much 'valuable time does it taketo zip a 1GB file, whether previously compressed or not? Not very longunless your box is '95 mode Additionally, you can also spit the archive into specified chunk sizes.
This way they all fit on CD's, floppies, are below the limit for an email, etc.can also be done easily with WinZip Even more, you can add password protection, deal with zips. Tars, cabs and many other formats. Winrar will compress to zip or rar. The files made can be what they call sfx archives, where the first file created if more then one, or the only file created if one, has an exe extension and is self extracting without additional software.can also be done easily with WinZipI don't know what your problem with WinZip is but you are certainlyentitled to your opinion.DaveDDPnot affiliated with WinZip. I remember when you use to try to extract a file with winzip and if you changed the path from c:testfolder1 to c:testfolder1mynewfolder, winzip would have a cow and throw an error that did not mention the real problem, but instead posted an error message that was totally unrelated to the actual issue. Which of course was the fact that it did not have the code built in to create folders on the fly from the typed path.
Rarlab Rar Wrar351 Sc 10
Winrar has always done that. I even think winzip copied this from winrar. Even if they didn't, it took them years to add it.The compression is faster and better.The link above is not an invitation to piracy. That is/was an excellent site that has posted post many quality software titles as promotions, for free, from the manufactures. You may want to take a look. The version of winrar is from rarlabs and specifically noted in the 'about' area as being what it is. I got paragon partition manager there for free too.
In some ways it out was better then partition magic. It is no longer free, but it was when I saw the promotion, and emailed paragon for the code.Look, I am not saying winzip is a bad program. It is just not my archiver of choice.As for the comment about time. You can spend 20 minuted tying up your cpu packaging up a 700meg video with compression, that will effectually do almost nothing to reduce file size, just to get the package, or you can use winrar and the store option and be done in 30 seconds or less. There is a huge difference to those that can use these features. DaveWish wrote:(snip) Look, I am not saying winzip is a bad program. It is just not my archiver of choice.I have no problem whatsoever with your choice of archivers.
I justdidn't see any reason to put down WinZip, especially after I have usedit without any problems for so many years. As for the comment about time. You can spend 20 minuted tying up your cpu packaging up a 700meg video with compression, that will effectually do almost nothing to reduce file size, just to get the package, or you can use winrar and the store option and be done in 30 seconds or less.
There is a huge difference to those that can use these features.I guess I never run into this scenario because I pretty much know thefile formats that are pre-compressed and don't bother to try to furthercompress them. But I can see the frustration of spending 20 minutes on afile compression without any result.have a great day!DaveDDP. I use a Windows Explorer replacement called PowerDesk Pro.
It will open zip,arc, arj, ark, as, bin, cab, dwc, gz, lha, lzh, jar, pak, rar, sit, sitx,tar, taz, tgz, z & zoo files in an explorer widow. Download bellsouth 2250 bk manual free. You can select files todecompress or drag them to a destination folder. The only drawback is thatyou can only create zip files. DaveWish wrote: You know what ddpcad, You are just looking for an argument. Your decisions are yours. My choice is just better then yours. If you have a problem with the fact that you chose and continue to choose less than superior compression then argue with yourself.
Your first response was quite long, and for no reason. Winrar has better compression and features, period. Some of us actually work with more then just ourselves and appreciate a link to a quality free software.on the contrary, I wasn't looking to argue with you at all. I have muchbetter things to do with my time than deal with your egobye. Just to add to the argument without being argumentative.In the 18 years I've been using AutoCAD, including sharing and coordinatingdocuments between many consultants, locally and nationally, I have nevercome across Winrar.
Zip has always been the standard and it has nevercaused problems for me or my consultants. I have come across Winrar atseveral 3d model sites and I've downloaded the program to get to thosefiles, so I don't have anything against Winrar. I just have never cameacross it or had to use it in a business document sharing situation.It doesn't matter which is better. Only what's become standard usage. Andeveryone in my office and every consultant we've ever used has standardizedon zip.Joel.